Packages and Systems
Single Session Activation & Reading $111 - Virtual or in Person (local area)
Activation and Transformation Session.
Multi Session Activation Package $222 - 3 Virtual or in Person (local area)
Activation and Transformation
sessions focused on one topic.
Prosperity Package $297 - 3 Virtual or in Person (local area) Activation and
Transformation Sessions, 1 Prosperity Consicousness Subliminal Frequency
Activation Accelerator (1 million messages ), 1 Auditory and 1 Subliminal Audio
Base Chakra Frequency Activation Activation Accelerator.
Sensuality Package $297 - 3 Virtual or in Person (local area) Activation and
Transformation Sessions. 1 Wellness Alignment Subliminal Frequency Activation
Accelerator ( 1 million messages ), 1 Auditory and 1 Subliminal Audio Sacral
Chakra Frequency Activation Accelerator.
Vitality Package $297- 3 Virtual or in Person (local area) Activations and
Transformation Sessions. 1 Wellness Alingment Subliminal Frequency Activation
Accelerator ( 1 million messages ),1 Auditory and 1 Subliminal Solar Plexus
Frequency Activation Accelerator.
Love & Romance Package $297 - 3 Virtual or in Person (local area) Activations
and Transformation Sessions. 1 Wellness Alingment Subliminal Frequency
Accelerator ( 1 million messages ), 1 Auditory and 1 Subliminal Heart Chakra
Frequency Activation Accelerator.
Speak Your Truthe Package $297 - 3 Virtual or in Person (local area) Activations
and Transformation Sessions. 1 Wellness Alingment Subliminal Frequency
Accelerator ( 1 million messages ), 1 Auditory and 1 Subliminal Third Eye
Frequency Activation Accelerator.
Embody Energetix Self Mastery System $2222 - 11 Virtual or in Person Activation
and Transformation Sessions. 8 Auditory and Subliminal Frequency Activation
Activation Accelerator, Wellness Alignment Subliminal Frequency Activation
Accelerator ( 1 million messages ), Prosperity Consciousness Subliminal
Frequency Activation Accelerator. Comprehensive education on the law of
attraction and how to use it effectively. Breathwork to become embodied. Pineal
Gland Activation and more. A uniquely crafted system that is custom designed to
each individual.
Where Becoming Super Human and Expansion are the
Conscious Focus…Understand the Dynamics of Frequency
and how you can transcend any issues that may be holding
you back…
Embody Your Wellness - Apply Full Spectrum Healing on All
With over 25 years of experience in the transformation
industry, I developed a system to move past unresolved
issues, societal conditions, limiting beliefs and constructs, to
align with your true nature and expand your consicousness
and awareness so you can Start living your life by choice not
by chance.
Are you ready to transcend your limitations and seize your life?
Book your Free Consultation Now! Let’s discuss the possibilities!
Embody Energetix Mastery
Anita Hafner
Photocredit: Sabfina Huff
A Little About Me…
After an NDE (near death experience) in a skydiving crash…life as I knew it had
completely changed. My interests, desires and focus had taken on an expansive
view point that I did not even known existed. I met new people with leading edge
ideas, products and services. This was Star Trek stuff! It was a whole new world of
lights bells and whistles! I actually did not know that I had died in that experience
until many years later. In the mean time, I was moving and shaking. I opened a
Metaphysical Products Store selling tools for transformation. I joined mystery
schools like the Ramtha School of Enlightenment…Learning along side Selma
Hyack, Dr. Joe Dispenza, John Marshall Jones, as we studied Quantum Physics and
how Consciousness and Energy create reality. I started learning about how vibration
and frequency are key to creating reality and becoming super human. I trained in
Various Modalities…All to understand the nature of reality, how we can consciously
change our own reality, and to heal my body.
In those early days, I didn’t receive the necessary care for the level of damaged my
body sustained. Subsequently lack of awareness led to neglet. That rabbit hole lead
me deeper into the non tangible aspects of healing and transformation. Becoming
certified in numerous healing modalities such as Reconnective Healing, Theta
Healing, Reiki, Quantum Touch, Matrix Energetix and further studying how we can
alter our reality by focused concious awareness and harnessing the universal
energies around us. All this resulted in the creation of Embody Energetix Self
I went down the rabbit hole of conscious awareness expansion and transformation
with such enthusiasm and zeal for this mind blowing understanding that even those
closest to me…my family…thought that I had lost sight of reality….I perservered
and continued down the healing path.
I, as many others, have endured dark times growing up. The details of which really
are not important. What was of great importance was learning that any reality can be
changed. That the emotional imprints that we sustain through traumatic experiences
do not have to run our lives
Easy & Healthy Weight Loss System -
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Balance Insulin - Balance Thyroid
Lower Cortisol - Increase Metabolism
Burn Fat - Control Appetite
Curb Hunger - Kick Sugar Addiction
Reduce Stress
Boost Mood & Energy
Reduce Inflammation and Swelling
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